Auto insurance provides a variety of coverages for cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles for personal use. There are three basic parts of every auto insurance policy:
Homeowners insurance provides coverage to repair or rebuild your home after events like fire, smoke, theft, vandalism, a falling tree, or damage caused by weather such as lightning, wind, or hail. Most standard homeowners insurance policies also cover furniture, clothing, and other possessions. In addition, they cover medical expenses and legal fees if people other than you, your family, or anyone else not living in your home is injured on your property.
A renters insurance is a group of coverages designed to help protect renters living in a house or apartment. A typical renters insurance policy includes three types of coverage that help protect you, your belongings and your living arrangements after a covered loss. Read on to learn how each type of coverage works.
Flood cover provides cover for losses to your property or contents caused by flooding and rainwater run-off. This type of cover isn’t always included under a home and contents insurance policy, but can usually be added as an optional extra. However, some properties in certain areas may be deemed uninsurable due to the high risk of flooding.
Commercial auto insurance provides a variety of coverages for cars, trucks, vans and other vehicles used by your business. There are three basic parts of every commercial auto insurance policy:
Commercial business insurance is coverage for businesses and corporations, generally designed to cover the business, its employees and ownership. Since there are so many types of businesses with different needs and situations, commercial insurance can come in many shapes, sizes and colors.
Umbrella insurance is extra insurance that provides protection beyond existing limits and coverages of other policies. Umbrella insurance can provide coverage for injuries, property damage, certain lawsuits, and personal liability situations.
R&A Insurance Agency - 3317 Finley Rd Ste 180, Irving ,Tx 75062 Tel. 972-636-1088 email
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